Discord has made inviting people simple and easy to use. Available both on Mobile and PC, any discord server owner must gain knowledge on how the invitation feature works. Whether you’re a new discord user or have been using it for some time, we’ll list out all the important steps for you in inviting someone to the discord server. We’ll also provide some helpful tips and frequent questions about discord server invites.

How to Invite Someone to a Discord Server?

Using Desktop App / PC Browser

Both Desktop App and PC browser have the same interface. That makes it easy for anyone who wants to switch between these two platforms. Inviting users is relatively easier on website and desktop app compared to mobile.

Do a right-click anywhere on the channel name list.Select Invite People.Use the search bar to search for someone from your friend list.Select Invite. Or, select Copy to copy the invite link.Share the invite link with your friend via another messaging platform or e-mail.

Using Mobile App Android / iOS

Mobile App for Discord makes it handy for anyone who wants to invite people on the go. With the same interface on both Android and iOS, users can download it from the official app store. Having an app will limit you to using just one account at a time without logging out.

Open the Context menu from the top left.Select Invite Members.Use the search bar to search using username.Select Invite. Or, select Share Link.Copy the link or share directly using a different app.

How to Make a Discord Server Invite-only?

This is a two-fold process. First, you need to make sure that other joined users cannot add new members to the server. This is done by clearing all permissions to @everyone role. Then, you follow the usual path of creating an invite link and set the limit on the number of invites to 1. Then, every time you need to send out invitations, just send a new link over to them.

Right-click on the server name and go to Server Settings.Select Roles.Select Default Permissions for @everyone.Under the Permissions tab, select Clear permissions.Now, press ESC key to go back to channel list.Go to the Invite Link pop-up box using the above steps.Select Edit invite link.

Change Max number of Uses to 1.Select Generate a New link.Select Copy.

Repeat each time you need to invite someone.

Inviting Multiple People to a Server All at Once

Discord has a strict spam policy that restricts adding multiple people to a server all at once. The only way to invite people to a server is to provide them with an invite link. To make things easier for you, you can post the invite link to an existing server and request everyone to join. Or, you can share it using an email group or set up messaging groups to share the invite link.  Keep in mind that they would still have to click on the link to be added to your server.

How to Invite a Single Person to a Discord Server?

To invite a single person to your server, you need to make sure that the link is only valid once. This can be done by following the same method as making your server invite only. Once the invite link is clicked by the other person, it will expire right away. Thus, make sure that they know the link works only once and cannot be shared to more than one person.

How to Set Up a Discord Server That Requires Phone Verification?

After creating your discord server, you may want to add phone verification for added security. Having verified users will make sure that there is less conflict and harassment in the channels. Also, it is harder for banned phone verified users to bypass the ban on their account. After enabling phone verification in your discord server, unverified users are restricted from the following features:

Send messages in text channelsInitiate a direct message conversation

Follow these steps:

Do a right-click on your discord server and go to Server Settings.Select Moderation.Change the Verification Level to Highest: Must have a verified phone on their Discord account.Select Save Changes.

You can refer to our guide on Deleting a Discord Server as well.

How to Invite a Bot to a Discord Server?

To invite a bot to your discord server, you need the invite link. Invite links are available online through various sites. But, you need to make sure that you only click links from trusted ones. Also, be careful when adding unknown bots to your server. Bots demand the highest of all discord server privileges. This means that unverified bots can take over your server and have you kicked out.

Go to https://top.gg.Search for the bot using the bot name.Select Invite and add to your server.Wait until the bot appears in your server member list.

How to Make a Custom Discord Server Invite?

When talking about custom discord server invites, there are two features that you can customize.

Customized URL Name

Also called Vanity URL, this lets you customize your discord invite link as follows. https://discord.gg/welcome-to-my-ultimate-server. To customize your URL, your server needs to meet at least one of the following requirements:

Invite links can be customized before sending them out to other people. You can customize the following aspects. To customize the invite link, follow the steps above to edit the link before sending out invites. Use the provided options to customize settings as explained above. Once you’re done, select Generate a New Link to display and copy your newly customized invite link.

I Cannot Add Bots to My Discord Server. What Should I Do?

The way they are designed, you cannot send an invite link to a discord bot. You will have to add them manually to your discord server. Once you add a bot to one of your servers, they will appear on the friend list on the right. Use this option to add them to your other servers as needed.

Go to your discord server member list on the right.Select the bot that you want to add.Select Add to Server.Choose the server that you want to add the bot to.

How to Add an Instant Invite to a Discord Server?

Instant invites are useful when you need to add a friend to a discord server channel right away. Depending on the server, you may or may not have the instant invite feature. If you don’t own the server, you may not be allowed to make instant invites. Instant invites work the same as regular invites. It means they can be customized any way you want. Or, you can just select a friend right away to send the invite to. Also, the channel that you open invite link from becomes the first channel that the user joins in.

Go to the discord server and select a text channel.Hover over the channel name until the invite button is displayed.Click on the invite button to open the invite link pop up box.Use steps described above to send your link.

How to Join a Discord Server Without an Invite?

Generally, you have to have an invite link to join a discord server. Public servers can be found online through various portals to join without an invite. If you still want to join into a non-public discord server, you need to request server admins to send you an invite link.

Message Someone With Invite Permissions

Ask an existing member to add you to the server.

Find a Public Verified Server

Go to Explore Public Servers from the left navigation paneType a server name in the search box and select the server.At the top of the page, select Join Server.

Using Top Website

Go to https://top.ggSearch for a server that you want to join.Select Join.

I Cannot Invite People to a Discord Server. What Should I Do?

If you aren’t the server owner, you may not be allowed to invite people on it. Public servers do allow everyone to invite as many people as they want. In case of non-public discord servers, you need to have the proper role assigned to you for inviting people. Server owners can attempt to hide their server by making it invite only. If you cannot invite people to a discord server, try the following tips.

If your discord server invite link is not working, the link may have already expired or passed the use limit. Or, someone else may have removed the invite link altogether. Use the following steps for confirmation.

Do a right-click on the server name.Go to Server settings and select Invites.Make sure the code from your invite link still exists.Check the Uses and Expires columns of your invite links.

To make sure that your links don’t expire, customize your link before sending it out.

If Someone Gives Me Their Discord Name, How Can I Invite Them to the Server?

It is not possible to add someone to a discord server directly using their name. They need to be on your friend list first. And then, you can use the above steps to either send them an invite link or invite them yourself.

Select Add Friend.In the Search bar, enter their discord name and four-digit discord tag.Select Send Friend Request.Wait until they accept your request and appear in your friend list.Then, follow the above steps to invite them to the server.

How to Invite People to a Server if the Admin Won’t Allow It?

If the admin hasn’t permitted you to invite people, then you won’t be able to invite people. You can either ask the admin or anyone else who has permission to invite other people. You can also share an invite link with other people if it’s been created for you. Once someone creates and shares it with you, send it along to the person you would like to add to the server.

How to Change Discord Server Invite Background Image?

To change your discord server’s invite background image, you need to get at least a level 1 boost. Then, follow these steps.

Do a right-click on the server name.Go to Server Settings.Select Overview.Scroll down to Server Invite Background.Upload a photo with a minimum size of 1920 x 1080 resolution and an aspect ratio of 16:9. How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 29How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 18How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 22How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 30How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 18How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 71How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 92How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 86How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 89How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 59How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 55How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 81How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 73How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 81How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 9How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 95How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 11How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 67How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 69How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 90How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 20How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 92How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 5How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 56How To Invite Someone To A Discord Server - 14